Stuck at Home!

Father and son playing Scrabble

With schools closed, a lot of our customers are wondering how they will fill the time and ensure their kids are learning. Try these fun ideas! We’ll share more over the coming days, so make sure you follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

  1. Have a scavenger hunt. Hide things around the house, write (or say) simple clues or riddles for younger kids or ciphers for older kids to solve. Or have a nature scavenger hunt outside.
  2. Create an extreme hopscotch on the driveway. Use hands, create obstacles, add math problems – be creative!
  3. Make your own board game. Kids can make the rules, create game pieces out of clay, draw a game board – lots of learning happening here!
  4. Build your vocabulary and grammar skills with Mad Libs. You can even make your own.
  5. Scrabble is also excellent for vocabulary and spelling. We allow a dictionary in our house – the learning is the thing.
  6. Write your own picture book (or novel for older kids). You can find writing prompts online.
  7. Cook something! Chemistry, math (make older kids double the recipe and simplify the fractions) and yummy snacks.
  8. Make potions. Let your kids mix up crazy ingredients from your kitchen. Vinegar and baking soda are always fun! It’s even better when it smells funny from spices or looks gross from things like ketchup. (Pro tip: use a cookie sheet to limit the mess.)
  9. Use boxes to make your own dollhouse (or troll house or stuffed animal house). Make furniture, decorate rooms, sew bedding if you’re inspired. Then play with it!
  10. Origami. You can buy kits in the store or look up tutorials online.

You can always call the store for ideas. We’re happy to discuss some things that might work, ring up your order over the phone and bring them out to your car. You don’t even have to come into the store.

Hang in there!

1 comment

  • Hi, I was wondering if you have soemthing similar to "Highlights the Big Fun first grade Activity book.
    which captivates my kid more than other sheets because they are colorful and cheery, rather than dull worksheets…

    Specifically, I am looking for a book that will provide lots of sheets of math practice up to adding and subtracting 20 lots that include numbers, not just pictures. Highlights is great, but they only have a couple sheets per addtion fact which doesnt provide the consistent practice of doing the same problems so a kid can memorize. She is in first grade math

    She is in late first grade/second grade reading. If there are any colorful fun books for that, that would be of interest as well.
    My number is 202 460 1255 if you have something, you could snap a few pictures of the inside, and I could tell if I would like to buy
    thanks Kay Cook
    PS is your store open? If so, I would like to come at a time there arent many there.


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